The Diaper Gap
Could you imagine leaving a baby in a dirty diaper for hours at a time simply because you don't have access to clean diapers? The fact is, this is a reality for many families living in poverty. This epidemic is referred to as "the diaper gap".
The main goal for the Columbus Diaper Coalition is to provide an adequate and reliable supply of diapers to babies, toddlers and their families in the Central Ohio area. We are modeled after successful diaper banks around the country, providing diapers to food pantries and social service organizations that are helping families in need through comprehensive programs and services.
Diapers not only provide health and happiness to families and babies in need, but are also a resource to the partners and organizations to which they are given. Having these diapers as a resource increases the services these organizations can provide.
Diaper Facts
Disposable diapers cost around $100 each month. This is without any type of government assistance.
Infants tend to go through about 10-12 diapers a day; toddlers go through about eight.
U.S. Poverty Facts
5.9 million children in the United States under the age of three are living in poverty or are part of a low-income family.
SNAP Benefits (formerly known as food stamps), WIC, and other assistance programs do not cover diapers.
Ohio Poverty Facts
Nearly one in three Ohio children under the age of six live in poverty.
Children make up one third of Ohioans living in poverty.
15% of SNAP recipients in Ohio are under the age of 5.
23% of WIC recipients on Ohio are infants.
What's At Stake?
When a baby is left in a soiled diaper for an extended period of time it can lead to health concerns such as diaper rash, serious infections, or other health problems.
Babies in soiled diapers are going to cry. In extreme instances the baby may be left in the soiled diaper for a day or more. The excessive crying will not only cause stress on the baby, but it can also cause stress and tension in the family. This puts the baby at risk for shaken baby syndrome, and it puts the parent at risk for depression caused by the guilt of not being able to provide for their child.
National Diaper Bank Network: What Is Diaper Need?
Ohio Association of Community Action Agencies: The State of Poverty In Ohio Report 2023
Read More About The Diaper Gap and Diaper Need
Diapers or dinner? An Impossible choice
Written by Hoda Emam, published by Harvard Public Health August 2023
Ohio Senate passes bill exempting diapers, other baby products from sales tax
Written by Jack Nimesheim, published by The Columbus Dispatch May 2023
Diaper Need: The invisible Public Health Crisis
Written by Bridget Cutler, Founder of Moms Helping Moms Fdn, published by Forbes March 2022
WOSU Interview with Founder Iris Coker
Columbus Diaper Coalition Provides Help for Cash Strapped Parents
Interview November 2015