EIN #46-3767095
As word about the Columbus Diaper Coalition continues to spread, we're happy to share stories and introduce new people to the work we do within the Columbus community.
Join the effort to end the 'diaper gap'
Columbus Dispatch, March 30th 2016
The Columbus Diaper Coaliton's research and policy lead, Alex Lilly, writes a letter to the editor connecting the news of The White House initiative to address the diapr gap & help families access clean diapers for their children with the prevalence of diaper need in central Ohio.
Columbus Diaper Coalition Provides Help For Cash Strapped Parents
WOSU Radio, November 30th 2015
WOSU Radio's Marilyn Smith talks with the Columbus Diaper Coalition's founder Iris Coker about starting a diaper bank and diaper need in Columbus, Ohio.
Press Release: Big Lots and Domtar Personal Care Donate To The Columbus Diaper Coalition
May 2015
Be Rewarded For Giving Back
WSYX ABC-6 Good Day Columbus, February 5th, 2015
Good Day Columbus' Carolyn Bruck chats with the Columbus Diaper Coaltion's Peyton Onda about an upcoming diaper drive in partnership with Disney On Ice.
Budding Coalition Helps Pantries Collect Diapers For Struggling Families
The Columbus Dispatch, January 20th, 2014
Joe Blundo from the Columbus Dispatch sheds light on the diaper gap in Columbus, Ohio and how the Columbus Diaper Coalition is making a difference.
Young Mother Starts Diaper Bank For Families In Need
WSYX ABC-6 On Your Side, December 12th, 2013
Maria Durant chats with Colmbus Diaper Coalition founder, Iris Coker about the need for diapers in Columbus, Ohio.
The Parent Pulse
Columbus Parent Magazine, December 4th, 2013
Jackie Mantey interviews Columbus Diaper Coalition founder, Iris Coker about what inspired her to start a diaper bank in Columbus, Ohio.
When Poo Happens
(614) Magazine, December 1st, 2013
Kate Liebers interviews Columbus Diaper Bank founders, Iris Coker and Lara Smith about their efforts to get a diaper bank up and running in Columbus, Ohio.